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Club Notes
Tue, 06 Jan 2015
The club are launching a new membership scheme for 2015, further details will be provided on the club website and facebook in the next few weeks.
At the club's AGM on 21st December the following were elected to the main positions for 2015, Chairman Barry Campbell, Vice Chairman Gerard Hannigan, Secretary Joe Rafferty, Assistant Secretary Gerard Gallagher, Treasurer Donal Slevin, Vice Treasurer Kevin Sludden .
The club are running a fund raising boxing tournament in early March, we are currently looking for sponsors for this event, sponsors can contribute in many different ways. If you are interested in helping with sponsorship contact Niall McNulty (07909 972709) or Jimmy Quinn (07809 301422).
Lotto numbers for last week were 2, 5, 12, 19, 24 and 28, there were 12 winners with 4 correct numbers each. Next weeks, jackpot is £16,600. T
he winners in the final week of the Xmas draw were Laura Kearney £1,000, Ruairi McNulty £250 and Gavin O'Neill £150, we would like to thank everyone who supported this draw.
The first monthly meeting of the new year will take place in St. Patricks Hall on Monday at 9:00.