Dromore GFC News
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Club Notes
Tue, 11 Feb 2025
We will he having our club registration day next weekend, the club have kept their membership fee’s the same as last year so it is £250 for Cairde membership, £50 for adult membership and £10 for youth membership. There will also be a link posted on Social Media and sent through the parents Whatsapp groups where you can sign up online.

The club are setting up a hospitality group to help with the hospitality end of hosting games, youth tournaments, and events throughout the year, we are looking for volunteers so if you or your partner would be willing to help out the club with this on the odd occasion please contact Geraldine on 07841 332591.

We are delighted to announce that a new round of Ranganna Gaelige, Irish language classes has started and continues on Monday evenings in St. John’s School, Bunrang 1 (complete beginners) is from 7:00-7:45 p.m., Bunrang 2 (beginner improvers) is from 7:45-8:30 p.m. and Meanrang (Intermediate) is from 7:00-8:00 p.m., everyone welcome to come along and join the ever growing Irish language speaking community in Droim Mór.

The Torthaí Lató (lotto winning numbers) for last week (5th) were 12, 13, 14, 25, 26 and 28, there were 9 winners with 4 correct numbers each. Next week’s jackpot in Ireland's biggest club lotto is £25,000, remember you can do the lotto via tickets in all local shops or online at www.dromoregfc.com.

Votes of sympathy were passed at the recent monthly committee meeting to the McCaffrey (Elizabeth), Teague (Terence), McCrystal (Sr. Rita), Barrett (Susan), Corrigan (Tommy), McGurren (Aidan), Moynahan (Mary – Omagh) and Devlin (Gene – Maghera) families on their recent bereavements.